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1 1/2 hours
1 1/2 hours +
1 1/2-2 hours
1 1/2-3 hours
1 1/2-5 hours
1 hour
1 hour +
1 hour per player
1 minute
1-1 1/2 hours
1-2 1/2 hours
1-2 hours
1-3 hours
1-over 4 hours
10 minutes
10 minutes per player
10-15 minutes
10-20 minutes
10-20 minutes per player
10-30 minutes
10-40 minutes
10-60 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes per player
15-20 minutes
15-25 minutes
15-30 minutes
15-30 minutes per player
15-45 minutes
15-60 minutes
15-90 minutes
2 1/2 hours
2 hours
2-3 hours
2-4 hours
20 minutes
20 minutes +
20-25 minutes per player
20-30 minutes
20-40 minutes
20-45 minutes
20-60 minutes
25 minutes
25 minutes per player
25-30 minutes
25-45 minutes
3 hours
3-4 hours
3-5 hours
30 minutes
30 minutes +
30 minutes per player
30 minutes to 1 1/2 hours
30 minutes to 2 hours
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30-45 minutes
30-50 minutes
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40 minutes
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40-60 minutes
40-80 minutes
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45 minutes
45 minutes +
45 minutes per player
45-60 minutes
45-75 minutes
45-90 minutes
5 minutes
5-10 minutes
5-15 minutes
5-20 minutes
5-45 minutes
6 hours
60-75 minutes
75 minutes
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Over 4 hours
Up to 10 minutes
Heroes of Land, Air and Sea: Mercenaries Expansion Pack #1
In Stock
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Was £13.99, Now £11.00
This Expansion Contains:
4 Miniatures
Gamelyn, The Warlord
Jowls, the Minotaur
Gnocke, the Hill Giant
Betula, the Treant
4 Mercenary Cards
1 Rule Card
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Board Game
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5% over £50
10% over £100 These volume discounts are in addition to sale and special offer prices.
Related Tags
Playing Time
30 minutes per player
Game Type
Worker Placement
Area Control
Strategy Games
Variable Powers
Reduced Items
Manufacturer's Code GAMP201
Spirit Games (Est. 1984, Lefglow Ltd) - Supplying role playing games (RPG),
wargames rules, miniatures
scenery, new and traditional board and card games for the last 41 years
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